Electronic Filing Starts January 30th

As of January 30, 2013, the IRS will begin processing individual income tax returns for the majority of United States taxpayers. Be sure to get your tax documents organized now. You can use our Client Center on our website to securely upload your documents to our office.

A few items to note as we move into February:

  • E-file and direct deposit are the fastest ways to get your tax refund. Once we've completed your return, you'll want to allow our firm to e-file it by completing the appropriate electronic filing authorization form that accompanies your tax return.
  • The IRS does not anticipate any associated tax refund delays, and expects to issue 9 out of 10 tax refunds in 21 days or less.
  • According to the IRS, taxpayers claiming the residential energy credit and businesses claiming depreciation and amortization and general business credit will be allowed to file tax returns in late February or early March due to additional forms and processing requirements.

As always, if you have any questions, please contact our firm.